Ganpati pendent with Silver ghungroo and Euchsia coloured thread ball necklace set.
Sliver colour ganpati pendent with silver ghungroo and Fuchsia coloured thread ball and blue tussle..
Golden colour ghungroo with pendent and coloured thread ball Necklace set.
Golden colour ghungroo with perdent and Fuchsia and orange coloured thred balls and orenge tussie.
A Blue thread wheread balls and brass ghungroo Necklace set
Blue thred with blue tussle and brass.
Brass ghungroo and Red-Black Thread Necklace Set
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Cowrie shell and red glass beads Nacklace Set.
A Cowrie shell, red coloured Glass beads golden coloured ghungroo, red thred balls with pendent and black tussle.
Fuchsia coloured thread ball with durga pendent Necklace Set
Fuchsia collared thread balls va, durga pendent and light blue tussle
Golden oxidized Lotus charms & black colouredball Nacklace set.
black coloured thread balls golden oxidized Lotus carms and black tussle.
Euchsia coloured thread ball and golden oxidized ganpati charms Naklace set
Fuchsia coloured thread ball and Golden oxidized ganpati Chasms and orarenge tussle